3 years Ago
B&B Mag
Cover Story: India Edition 3 - Kritika Khurana

A Passionate Boho with a touch of  Ethnic!

“Everyone has a unique edge in oneself. And, this is the only edge  that one needs to work on to take forward. That’s why she has  found out and is known by the name, That Boho Girl.

  1.  How does it feel to be a  Blogger/ Influencer? What is  your niche in Blogging? It feels really good that I can  express myself and the fact that  we’ve built a strong   community  sharing the love of fashion,  beauty & lifestyle. 
  2. We would like you to describe  a typical day of yours ? Oh! It’s different every day; some  days are normal & some days are  super packed-Go Go Go. But it’s  mostly super packed! 
  3.  What is your working  environment like? Do you blog  from home, an office or cafe? I’m so glad that I can work from  anywhere & everywhere. Some  days, I’m      writing my captions in  airplanes, hotels & some days I’m  wearing PJs and working from  home.  
  4. Describe your personal  fashion style? It’s boho chic with a hint of  ethnic. The most important part  of my style for me is accessories. 
  5. Who or what gave you  inspiration to start your  own fashion blog? Who is  your favourite International  Lifestyle Blogger? To be honest, it’s Chiara -The  Blonde Salad.  
  6. When was your first collaboration with a brand?  What was the Brand? It was Being Human & couldn’t  believe my eyes when I got my  first mail.  
  7. Do you blog full time or do  you have another job next to it? I blog full time.  
  8. What are some of your goals  with your blog? I want to grow each day and I’m  focusing on videos as well. I may  launch my own line this year or so.  
  9. Where is your favorite place  in the world to live and work as  blogger and why? My favourite place is Delhi but I  like to travel now & then. It brings  a different vibe to my profile and  I feel it’s so important to go out of  your comfort zone as well.  
  10. What according to you is the  future of Lifestyle/ Fashion  blogging in India? It’s going to get bigger & bigger.  
  11. Blogging as a career is  growing in India. What would  your advice be for anyone  wanting to start a blog? JUST START! I feel most of the  people don’t even take the first  step which is usually the most  difficult. Be consistent, engage  with your audience & try to build  a niche for yourself.

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